| Table of contents Actas Urol Esp vol.28 n.4 Apr. 2004 Press Release | | | |
Review Articles | | | | · Estimation of the cost in the medical treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia in Navarre, Spain Grasa Lanau, V.; Cuesta Alcalá, J.Á.; Ipiens Aznar, A.; Ansa Erice, I.; Aldave Villanueva, J.
| | | | · Carcinosarcoma of the bladder: report of our cases and review of the literature Argüelles Salido, E.; Travado Soria, P.; Pérez Espejo, Mª P.; Rodríguez Corchero, J.; Medina López, R.A.; Pena Outeiriño, J.Mª
| | | | · Phosphotyrosine phosphatase SHP-1, somatostatin and prostate cancer Zapata, P.D; Colas, B; López-Ruiz, P; Ropero, R.M; Martín, R.M; Rodríguez, F.J; González, F.J; López, J.I; Angulo, J.C
| | | Original Articles | | | | · The natural history of sperm clearance after vasectomy Gómez de Vicente, J.M.; Romero Cagigal, I.; Blanco, C.; Pastor, J.; Moreno Santurino, A.; Santos Arrontes, D.; Miravalles, E.; Berenguer Sánchez, A.
| | | | · Treatment with doxazosin in 3347 patients with lower urinary tract symptoms: Impact on sexual function. The impros study Hernández Fernández, C.; Moncada Iribarren, I.; Jara Rascón, J.; Castaño González, I.; Moralejo Gárate, M.
| | | | · Prognostic value of DNA ploidy and nuclear morphometry in metastatic prostate cancer Martínez Jabaloyas, J.M.; Jiménez Sánchez, A; Ruiz Cerdá, J.L.; Sanz Chinesta, S.; Sempere, A.; Jiménez Cruz, J.F.
| | | Clinical Notes | | | | · Follicular carcinoma of the thyroid manifested initially asymptom primary renal neoplasm Regojo Balboa, J.M.; Sánchez Zalabardo, D.; Rioja Zuazu, J.; Fernández Montero, J.M.; López Ferrandis, J.; Zudaire Bergera, J.J.; Rosell Costa, D.; Robles García, J.E.; Berián Polo, J.M.
| | | | · Intrascrotal metastasis in a renal cell carcinoma Calleja Escudero, J.; Pascual Samaniego, M.; Martín Blanco, S.; Castro Olmedo, C. de; Gonzalo, V.; Fernández del Busto, E.
| | | | · Extra-anatomic urinary diversion by subcutaneous catheter Pérez Sanz, P.; Pozo Mengual, B.; Marcén Letosa, R.; Pascual Santos, J.; Burgos Revilla, F.J.
| | | | · Traumatic urethral disruption in women. A rare entity: Aportation of two cases Blanco Díez, A.; Álvarez Castelo, L.; Fernández Rosado, E.; Sánchez Rodríguez-Losada, J.; Chantada Abal, V.; Novás Castro, S.; Ruibal Moldes, M.; Barbagelata López, A.; González Martín, M.
| | | | · Intraocular metastatic renal carcinoma presenting as progressive unilateral blindness Gómez Pascual, J.Á.; Martínez Martín, M.S.; Bonilla Parrilla, R.; Irigoyen Díaz, J.; Rosal Samaniego, J.M. del; Ramos Titos, J.; Baena González, V.
| | | | · Giant retroperitoneal cystic mass: appendiceal mucocele Rodríguez Alonso, A; Suárez Pascual, G.; Bonelli Martín, C.; González Blanco, A.; Lorenzo Franco, J.; Cuerpo Pérez, M.Á.; Nogueira Carballedo, C.; Álvarez Fernández, J.C.; Nieto García, J.
| | | Images in Urology | | | | · Escroto agudo: torsión de hidátide testicular sésil de Morgagni Fernández Rosado, E.; Blanco Díez, A.; Barbagelata López, A.; Álvarez Castelo, L.; Novas Castro, S.; González Martín, M.
| | | | · Fístula enteroneovesical Pablo Cárdenas, A. de; Jiménez Aristu, J.I.; Pinós Paul, M.Á.; Jiménez Calvo, J.M.; Lozano Uruñuela, F.; Villanueva Pérez, J.I.; Santiago González de Garibay, A.M.
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