Editorial |
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Original Papers and Reviews |
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| · Effects of the Attention Process Trainig (ATP) on attentional improvement perception in people diagnosed of schizophrenia López Luengo, Beatriz; Vázquez Valverde, Carmelo
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| · A Psychopathological approach to "Don Quixote" (following the present psychiatric nosology) Corral Márquez, Rosana; Tabarés Seisdedos, Rafael
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| · The psychosis in the community and the sociosanitary space: New challenges and new protagonists for the old psychiatric reform Rivas Guerrero, Fabio
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Discussions |
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| · Von Neumanns dream and Freuds reality Sánchez Ron, José Manuel
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| · The inadequacy of metaphorical paradigms in psychology Mosterín, Jesús
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History |
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| · Sabina Spielrein, the first woman what enriched the psychoanalytic theorie Vallejo Orellana, Reyes; Sánchez-Barranco Ruiz, Antonio
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Reports |
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| · A study of the quality of information of consultation requests used in referrals from primary care to a Mental Health Unit Risco Venegas, M.ª Pilar
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| · La satisfacción del paciente de un centro de salud mental utilizando el método del informe del usuario: The users report for evaluating the psychiatric patients satisfaction Robles, Pablo Hernando; Lechuga Pérez, Francisco Javier; Moya Ollé, Josep
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| · Legal competences of clinical psychologists Escudero, C.; Ibáñez, M.ª Luz; Larraz, G.; Pascual, P.; Penedo, C.; Viña, P. de la
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Books |
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