| Table of contents Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor vol.23 n.3 Madrid May./Jun. 2016 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Are there arguments for combining an opioid with another opioid? Álamo, C.
| | | Originals | | | | · Use and abuse of opioids analgesics in the northern area of the Cádiz province Santana Pineda, M.M.; Jover López-Rodrigalvarez, R.; Rodríguez Sainz, P.; Gómez Cortes, M.D.; Rodríguez Huertas, F.; Morgado Muñoz, I.
| | | | · HSCT role in the treatment of pain: analysis pre-post intervention in a rural environment Zamora Mur, A.; Zamora Catevilla, A.; Nabal Vicuña, M.; García-Foncillas López, R.; Calderero Aragón, V.; Aubí Catevilla, O.
| | | Clinical Note | | | | · On the dorsal penile nerve pulsed radiofrecuency: effective treatment for refractory pudendal neuralgia Rubio-Gil, E.; Rodríguez-Navarro, M. A.; García Muñoz, M.; Meseguer Guaita, F.; Alonso Castillo, J.; Fernández Acien, I.; Marante Fuentes, N.
| | | MBE Review | | | | · Effect of platelet rich plasma and growth factors on the regeneration and chronic pain associated with intervertebral disc disease: systematic review Llano Conrado, H.; Hernández Santos, J.R.; Tenopala Villegas, S.; Canseco Aguilar, C.P.; Torres Huerta, J.C.
| | | Review | | | | · Effectiveness of educational and therapeutic programs in Physiotherapy Capó-Juan, M. A.
| | | Special Article | | | | · Opioid combination Salvador, E.; Aliaga, L.
| | | Letter to the Editor | | | | · New American Pain Society Guideline on postoperative pain Alcántara Montero, A.; González Curado, A.
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