| Table of contents Gerokomos vol.31 n.2 Barcelona Jun. 2020 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Older, nurses and COVID-19 Martínez Cuervo, Fernando
| | | Originals | | | | · Mental health damages of family caregivers of people with Alzheimer's Herrera Merchán, Edna Johanna; Laguado Jaimes, Elveny; Pereira Moreno, Lady Johana
| | | | · Participation of family caregivers for the comfort of hospitalized elderly people Rodríguez Medina, Shirley Arminda; Díaz Manchay, Rosa Jeuna; Cervera Vallejos, Mirtha Flor; Banda Pérez, Antonieta de Jesús; Rodríguez Cruz, Lisseth Dolores; Tejada Muñoz, Sonia
| | | | · Nutritional state and desnutrition related factors in a nursing home Iglesias, Lourdes; Bermejo, José Carlos; Vivas, Ángela; León, Roberto; Villacieros, Marta
| | | Reviews | | | | · Meanings attributed to aging: an integrative review Agüero Grande, José Alberto; Moreno, Norma Elvira; Salgado Espinoza, Cecilia
| | | | · Analysis of the concept of serenity in the emotional support of the chronic patient Papiol Espinosa, Geòrgia; Norell Pejner, Margaretha; Abades Porcel, Mercedes
| | | | · Television consumption and elderly's self-perception Vives Barceló, Marga; Sánchez-Prieto, Lydia; Torres Olías, Marta
| | | Helcos | | | | · Hospital prevalence of dependence-related lesions in the province of Burgos. Multicenter study Real López, Luis; Diez Esteban, M.ª Eugenia; Serrano Hernantes, Marta; Blasco Romero, Irene; Capa Santamaría, Sheila; Santamaría González, Milagros; Garre Saura, Gregorio; Orcajo Bartolomé, María; Tapia Saiz, Sandra
| | | | · Prevention of pressure ulcers in neonates with non-invasive mechanical ventilation Cubells Celda, Raquel; Montal Navarro, María Ángeles; Rodríguez Dolz, María Carmen; Pérez Lafuente, Eva; Barberá Ventura, Carmen; Fuente Arévalo, Araceli de la; García Molina, Pablo
| | | | · Polymorphism associated with diabetic foot susceptibility: a integrative review Medina-Fernández, Josué; Esparza-González, Sandra Cecilia; Yam-Sosa, Antonio; Sifuentes-Leura, Daniel
| | | | · Use of sevoflurane topically on leg ulcers: systematized review García Meana, Javier Federico
| | | | · Multidisciplinary approach of the patient with diabetic foot ulcer and presence of osteomyelitis. Clinical cases Ais Conde, Juan Guillermo; Arranz Valentín, Mercedes; Barrio Anaya, Sandra; Guerra Álvarez, Omar Alfonso; Mota San José, Isabel; Pascual de la Fuente, Belén; Rituerto Cuerdo, Juana; Alcaide Carrillo, David
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