| Table of contents Acción psicol. vol.17 n.1 Madrid Jan./Jun. 2020 Press Release | | | |
Selection of articles | | | | · The answers you get depend on the questions you ask: psychotherapy research revisited Botella-García del Cid, Luis
| | | | · Psychometric properties of the post-traumatic growth inventory in mexican population Quezada-Berumen, Lucía; González-Ramírez, Mónica Teresa
| | | | · The assessment of obstacles to research by college students: building a scale Criollo, Marco; Recio, Patricia
| | | | · The influence of personal values on internet use and wellbeing Femenia, Sabrina
| | | | · Effects of social identity, self-esteem, schooling, and age on hope García, Cirilo Humberto; Daniel-González, Leopoldo; Valle de la O, Adrián; Díaz, Héctor L; Castro, Laura K; Téllez, Arnoldo
| | | | · Towards an integrative transdiagnostic model of the externalizing psychopathology Toro, Ronald; García-García, Juan; Zaldívar-Basurto, Flor
| | | | · Relationships between psychological skills and sports injuries in elite cuban softball players Ríos-Garit, Jesús; Pérez-Surita, Yanet
| | | | · Assessing the influence of reversed items and force-choice on the work and meaning inventory Lima-Leonardo, Maria da Glória; Morelo-Pereira, Michelle; Valentini, Felipe; Pinto-Pizarro de Freitas, Clarissa; Steger, Michael F
| | | | · The detection of high capacities by parents, is their appreciation accurate? Valadez-Sierra, María de los Dolores; Betancourt-Morejón, Julián; Borges-del Rosal, Africa; Ortíz-Coronel, Grecia Emilia
| | | | · From the manifest motive to the real demand of the patient in the psychological consultation Prieto-Silva, Patricia; Hernández-Martínez, Laura; Muñoz-Domínguez, Miguel Omar
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