Editorial |
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| · Editorial Luna, Florencia
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Perspectivas Bioéticas |
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| · Biomedical and behavioral research in prisons. Criteria for a legal reform in Spain Urruela Mora, Asier
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Monográfico comunicación en el ámbito sanitario |
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| · Communication training for health professionals Carreras Marcos, Bernat; Esquerda Areste, Montse; Ramos Pozón, Sergio
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| · Pact of silence and right to information in seriously ill patients. Writing the last chapter of life Vergara Lacalle, Oscar
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| · Communicational barriers in the practice of surrogacy. A crisis in times of pandemic Muñoz-Gómez, Diana Sthefanía
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| · Effective communication in Health: evaluation of a teaching experience in Medicine School of Cuenca, Ecuador Estévez Abad, Fernando; Estévez Vélez, Andrea
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| · Role of language in healthcare humanization Rodríguez Suárez, Nathalia; Prieto Martínez, Paula
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| · Ethical and legal analysis of medical tourism in Colombia. Risks in communicative instrumentalization Bastidas-Goyes, Luis Guillermo; Méndez-Castillo, Efraín; Bonilla-Estévez, Claudia Marina
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| · Rare diseases and communication barriers: a bioethical analysis Rosaneli, Caroline Filla; Brotto, Aline Maran; Fischer, Marta Luciane
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Sección General |
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| · On the meaning and scope of the most decisive milestones in the development of universal bioethics: The Oviedo Convention and the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights Marín Castán, María Luisa
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| · Deontology and confidentiality in psychiatry and clinical psychology in Spain Bertolín Guillén, José Manuel
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| · Knowledge about Informed Consent in Dentistry. A survey to dental practitioners of Universidad Europea de Valencia Gianní, Manfredi; Adobes Martín, Milagros; Garcovich, Daniele; Pardo Monedero, María Jesús; Castelló, Carolina Andrés
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| · The pathologization of homosexuality in diagnostic manuals and psychiatric classifications Peidro, Santiago
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| · Artificial Intelligence as a subject of law: construction and critical theorizing about personality and subjectivity Santos Divino, Sthéfano Bruno
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| · The place of the social control representative in Brazilian research ethics committees Ferrari Lima, Dartel; Anguera Lima, Lohran; Malacarne, Vilmar; Cristofoletti, João Fernando
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Bioética Animal |
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| · Environment, media, and moral psychology. On the potential of disciplinary convergence in a post-pandemic animal bioethics Suárez-Ruíz, E Joaquín
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Bioética en los Tribunales |
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| · A healthy environment as a fundamental right in Colombia Restrepo Tamayo, John Fernando; Hurtado, Sebastián; Vásquez, Leonardo
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