| Table of contents Rev Soc Esp Enferm Nefrol vol.14 n.1 Jan./Mar. 2011 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | Crespo Montero, Rodolfo | | | Originals | | | | · Nursing knowledge as an instrument for the promotion of peritoneal dialysis Lucas Martín Espejo, Jesús; Cirera Segura, Francisco
| | | | · Development and implementation of a clinical pathway for patients starting programmed haemodialysis Navarro Bermúdez, Moisés
| | | | · Haemodialysis: How much do we know about the drugs related to mineral metabolism? Sánchez Villar, Isidro; Lorenzo Sellares, Víctor
| | | | · Vascular access puncture in haemodialysis is a necessity. The buttonhole method is an option Grau Pueyo, Carmen; Granados Navarrete, Isabel; Moya Mejía, Carmen; García Blanco, Miriam; Vinuesa García-Ciaño, Xavi; Ramírez Vaca, Josefa; Picazo López, Laura; Ibeas López, José
| | | | · Influence on the dialysis doses of different flow rates of dialysis fluid in patients treated with online haemodiafiltration or conventional haemodialysis Fernández Martínez, Ana Vanesa; Pérez Valencia, Laura; Fernández Caro Sánchez, Javier; Ruiz Serna, María; Horrillo Jiménez, Francisco; Caparros Ríos, Virginia; García Navarro, Francisca; Vilar Torres, Mª Victoria
| | | | · Retrospective study of the complications of temporary catheters for haemodialysis Crespo Montero, Rodolfo; Contreras Abad, María Dolores; Casas Cuesta, Rafael; Muñoz Benítez, Inmaculada; Moreno Delgado, María Carmen; Suanes Cabello, Lourdes
| | | Letter to the Director | | | | · Characteristics of family care of disabled patients undergoing haemodialysis Andreu Periz, Lola; Moreno Arroyo, Carmen; Julve Ibáñez, Maricel
| | | | · Intellectual disability and decision-making in haemodialysis: ¿Exclusion or opportunity? García Llana, Helena; Barbero Gutiérrez, Javier; Celadilla Diez, Olga; Trocoli González, Filo; Selgas Gutiérrez, Rafael
| | | | · Qualilty management in nursing in a peripheral dialysis centre Manzano Salazar, Bernardo; Vázquez Viejo, Carlos; Gutiérrez Guillén, Enrique J.; Rivero Mesa, Jorge Manuel; Rivero Mesa, María
| | | | · Effects of earthquaker and tsunami in dialysis clinics in Concepción Uribe Vergara, Paulina
| | | Case Study | | | | · Combined terraphy with electro-stimulation and conventional dressings to treat ulcers and wounds in patients undergoing haemodialysis Melero Rubio, Esperanza; Párraga Díaz, Mateo
| | | | · Exteriorization of a PTFE prosthesis in an unmotivated patient Anguera Guinovart, Esperança; Oriol Colominas, Eulàlia
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