| Table of contents Med. oral patol. oral cir. bucal (Ed.impr.) vol.9 n.4 Aug./Oct. 2004 Press Release | | | |
Oral Medicine and Pathology | | | | · Protocol for the clinical management of dry mouth Silvestre Donat, Francisco Javier; Miralles Jordá, Lucia; Martínez Mihi, Victoria
| | | | · Orofacial infections of odontogenic origin Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Perea Pérez, Evelio José; Romero Ruiz, Manuel Mª; Girón González, José Antonio
| | | | · DNA microarrays in oral cancer Otero Rey, Eva; García García, Abel; Barros Angueira, Francisco; Torres Español, María; Gándara Rey, José Manuel; Somoza Martín, Manuel
| | | | · Orofacial pain management: An update Martorell Calatayud, Luis; García Mira, Berta; Peñarrocha Diago, Miguel
| | | | · Considerations on the diagnosis of oral psoriasis: A case report Migliari, Dante A.; Penha, S.S.; Marques, M. M.; Matthews, R. W.
| | | | · Necrotizing sialometaplasia: Report of five cases Femopase, Fabián Libero; Hernández, Silvia Liliana; Gendelman, Héctor; Criscuolo, María Inés; López de Blanc, Silvia Adriana
| | | Odontology in Special Patients | | | | · Evaluation of medical risk in dental practice through using the EMRRH questionnaire Chandler Gutiérrez, Lucy; Martínez-Sahuquillo, Angel; Bullón Fernández, Pedro
| | | Oral Surgery | | | | · Distraction osteogenesis of the alveolar ridge: a review of the literature Saulacic, Nikola; Gándara Vila, Pilar; Somoza Martín, Manuel; García García, Abel
| | | | · Chronic Sialadenitis revealing hepatitis C: a case report Madrid, Carlos; Courtois, Bruno; Duran, Damien
| | | | · Ossifying fibroma of the upper jaw: Report of a case and review of the literature Pérez García, Silvia; Berini Aytés, Leonardo; Gay Escoda, Cosme
| | | | · Odontoameloblastoma: A case report and a review of the literature Martín-Granizo López, Rafael; López García-Asenjo, José; Pedro Marina, Manuel de; Domínguez Cuadrado, Lara
| | | | · Hepatocellular carcinoma metastatic to the mandible: a case involving severe hemorrhage Junquera, Luis; Rodríguez-Recio, Cristian; Torre, Aintza; Sánchez-Mayoral, Jacobo; Fresno, Manuel F.
| | | | · Aggressive glomus tumor of the tongue: Report of a case Quesada, Roger; González-Lagunas, Javier; Raspall, Guillermo
| | | | · Applications of exfoliative cytology in the diagnosis of oral cancer Diniz Freitas, Márcio; García García, Abel; Crespo Abelleira, Antonio; Martins Carneiro, José Luis; Gándara Rey, José Manuel
| | | Clinical Cases on Line | | | | · Granular cell tumour Poveda, R
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